Mission Moment: Regaining Independence Despite Diabetic Macular Edema

Bessie Kelly is a 65-year-old woman living with diabetic macular edema.
Needing assistance, she was referred to Alphapointe to receive Occupational Therapy services. Alphapointe started with an in-home evaluation and has continued with follow up training visits to help Bessie increase her independence with daily activities.
Initially, Bessie’s main challenges included difficulty reading small print, writing and participating in leisure tasks. She received training from Alphapointe’s certified Occupational Therapists on how to use a handheld digital magnification device in order to enhance her reading performance. She also received training on how to use writing aids to improve handwriting and legibility when signing her name.
With Alphapointe’s help, Bessie learned new techniques for eating in conjunction with her low vision and she was provided with equipment to maintain independence with a variety of tasks. Her Occupational Therapist even gave her some talking books so she can enjoy leisure reading with increased ease.
As always, Alphapointe is thrilled to provide assistance to people with low vision. And, so is Bessie as she praised Alphapointe’s services by sharing that she is “so blessed to have your help.”
Learn more about Alphapointe’s Low Vision Services.