Four Alphapointe Youth Headed to National Abacus Bee Competition

In November, a group of young people gathered at the Alphapointe Life Skills Campus to compete in the American
Printing House for the Blind (APH) Abacus Bee. After the competition was completed and scores were sent to APH for comparing to the other competitors across the country, it was announced that four Kansas City youth would be moving on to the national competition being held in Louisville, Kentucky, March 21-24
The competition helps youth growing up with vision loss with core curriculum, compensatory access, sensory efficiency, assistive technology, and self-determination.

[Image descriptions: 1. Russell is resting his chin on his hand, which is on top of his math worksheet, as he focuses on solving a math problem; Solema is seated at a desk working out a problem on an Abacus; 3. Tian Ai looks up from solving a problem on an abacus. Eddie is not pictured.]
Congratulations to the incredible Alphapointe competitors: Russell Dorn, Salome Cummins, Tian Ai Munsterman, and Eddie Strahan-Anderson (not pictured).
Good luck in Louisville.