What We Did in 2020… Thanks to Your Help

It’s now in the rearview mirror, but 2020 was a long, tough year for all of us. Despite all the challenges everyone faced, there were some positives. Thanks to your incredible support, we’re proud to share this list of achievements. We want each of you to understand that none of this is possible without your support. It means the world to us and to the thousands of people we help every year.
2020 Accomplishments:
- 39 New Employees Hired Who are Visually Impaired
- 161,980,311 Items Manufactured
- 473 People Served through Youth Services
- 124,013 Calls Screened Through Guarded Exchange Program
- 2,740 People Served through Rehabilitation Services
- 4,392 Volunteer Hours from 1,220 Volunteers
- 289,736 Calls Received/Made Through Contact Center
Beyond those achievements, the pandemic forced Alphapointe to respond accordingly to the needs of our stakeholders and supporters. Among the adaptations we made in 2020:
- Facemasks – after being deemed essential by the Department of Defense, Alphapointe quickly reconfigured its operations to allow for manufacturing of facemasks for the U.S. Air Force. Our essential workers eventually made more than 10,000 facemasks used by our members of the military.
- Plastic Spray Bottles – due to the increase in sanitation needs, Alphapointe saw a massive increase in demand for plastic spray bottles, which are used by U.S. government and military agencies around the country. By the end of the year, Alphapointe manufactured 1.28 million spray bottles – an 800 percent increase compared to a typical year.
- Rehabilitation Services – the pandemic forced Alphapointe to temporarily close its rehabilitation services to the public. In order to provide these essential services in a safe environment, the organization carefully crafted new protocols and adapted existing programs so that people could once again receive the critical assistance they need. Because it could no longer be held in person, Alphapointe shifted its annual Technology Camp for youth online and dozens of children enhanced their skills virtually.
- Standard Vehicle Service Kit – Standard Vehicle Service Kits (SVSK) provide point of injury medical care products and recovery tools to help soldiers quickly and safely remove the injured from the battlefield. In a turn-key shift, Alphapointe partnered with Seattle Lighthouse to manufacture 33,000 Litter Straps for the SVSKs used in emergency situations by soldiers in the U.S. Army.
Thank you again for your support in making all of this possible!