Joel Goldberg Podcast Features Alphapointe CEO

President and CEO, Reinhard Mabry was a guest on Rounding the Bases with Joel Goldberg, a podcast hosted by Fox Sports Kansas City broadcaster, Joel Goldberg.
Listen here: Episode 113: Alphapointe’s Vision
Episode Description:
“Alphapointe not for profit founded in 1911 with mission to provide employment and rehabilitation for people who are blind. Goal of helping people who are blind find sustainable jobs for themselves and their family. Serve close to 2,000 people a year. Try to help them make their way in life. One of largest employers to people who are blind in the U.S. Same responsibilities that any employee would have. Need to be independent and achieve own goals. Alphapointe started early 1900s as a broom maker. Manufacturing center in New York making brooms and brushes and mops for the government. Also have sewing operation providing uniforms for the military, tourniquets, office products, writing instruments and injection molding for prescription bottles for the VA and Express Scripts. Mission based culture. People employed understand that they have an inviting and challenging environment that won’t hold them back. Sighted employees go through sensitivity training so they understand the mission. Not for profit because all focused on goal of helping person who is blind to fulfill their aspirations. Built partnerships through relationships with other companies. Won business with them from the relationship. Part of the culture.”