Volunteer Spotlight: Collette Wright

As part of the ongoing Volunteer Spotlight series, we checked in with volunteer Collette Wright on why she chooses to donate her time and energy to Alphapointe.
Q&A with Collette
Tell us about you…
I’m a fourth-year undergraduate student studying Biochemistry and Mathematics and I have been volunteering at Alphapointe since 2016.
Why do you Volunteer at Alphapointe?
Volunteering is a key component of being an active and engaged citizen in my community. By volunteering at Alphapointe, I am able to be an active and engaged citizen.
What does Volunteering at Alphapointe do for you?
Volunteering at Alphapointe allows me to give back to my community.
What do you take away when you leave Alphapointe?
When I leave Alphapointe, I take away the fact that I have been able to help others. Whether or not I will actually get to be present for the impact, I know that the work I have done will have a positive effect on others.
What do you want to share with others about Alphapointe?
A vast majority of my time at Alphapointe has been involved with Adventure Camp and Technology Camp. Getting to be a part of creating a summer camp environment for the kids and watching them go horseback riding, rock climbing, doing tie dye and participating in the classic summer camp activities was heartwarming. The Youth Services that Alphapointe provides gives these kids the chance to experience the camaraderie and joviality of summer camp that they may not receive otherwise. Alphapointe does so much from employment to low vision evaluations to youth services that reaches beyond spectacular in the overall impact.
Why should others get engaged with Alphapointe?
Becoming engaged at Alphapointe is a fantastic way to give back and help others in your community. Volunteering is something I think everyone should participate in at least once in their life, and volunteering at Alphapointe is a wonderful way to do so.
What’s the most important thing Alphapointe does from your perspective?
To me, everything that Alphapointe does is incredibly important. However, one of the many important things that Alphapointe does is provide activities of daily living training. Cooking, cleaning, or simply filling up a glass of water are things that everyone does and needs to do. Providing instruction and guidance on different techniques available for independent living is absolutely amazing.
If there’s one public policy change you could make to help people with low vision, what would it be?
This varies from location to location, but ensuring that any technology that is used at an occupation or job site can easily be fitted with adaptive technology so anyone can work there and that any limits are eliminated.
Interested in helping Alphapointe? Learn more about our volunteer program!